Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New City. New Beginnings.

Hey There!
So, once again........I let the blog go:(  I was very excited to get it going again when I posted about Steel In Motion, but, shortly after everything was turned upside down for me.  In a good way.  I was offered a position in Nashville, Tennessee!!  How does a girl who loves Johnny Cash and The Hillbilly Casino refuse?
The past couple of months have been a crazy, crazy ride that has included taking over a store that hasn't been cared for in some time!  But, now things are slowing down and I'm starting to go a bit stir crazy.
I think that this blog will be a great way for me to share all of the great things that Nashville has to offer to a guy or gal that's into the vintage/rockabilly scene.  From the awesome shows (starting with Rosie Flores next month) to great antique shops, fun auctions with the Mom and historical adventures...ie:  Ring of Fire!  I also thought it would be a fun place to share some of my favorite things with everyone.
So please, follow my blog let me know what you think and enjoy!!
Nashville.  I love this picture:)

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